For Parents

We welcome any family that is struggling to afford the high costs of back-to-school shopping. If you wouldn’t normally ask for help but need it, please don’t hesitate to come.

What to expect at the festival:

School Supplies

We will offer school supplies to help lighten the burden of back-to-school shopping. We do our best to supply as many supplies as possible from backpacks, to pencils, erasers, and paper. You need it, we probably have it! 

NOTE: We cannot guarantee that your child will get everything on their supplies lists. You may need to purchase additional items based on your child's personal school list. Check your child's teacher's supplies list (usually available at their school) after you leave the festival to see what additional items you may need to purchase yourself.  If there are items on your child’s list that you cannot afford and we cannot readily supply, we will take your name and school name and do our best to get these items to you within the first week of school through your school social worker. NEW FOR 2023: children must be physically present at the festival in order to receive shoes.

Beneficial Information

Local agencies will be on hand to offer information about beneficial programs and services. 


Free snacks will be provided to all students and families.


Sign-up for a haircut upon arrival to get that fresh back-to-school look.

Activities and Fun!

Information Booths will also host activities for your family to enjoy. Come enjoy festivities and get into the back-to-school spirit!

NOTE: This is a family friendly event, but PLEASE leave your pets at home, unless they are certified service animals.

Need supplies but also want to help? 

Register to volunteer to help with the festival and shop early for your child’s needs.  There is a wide array of times and jobs that will fit your needs.